Entertainment / Golf / Heel: 1. The part of the clubhead that is nearest the hosel or shaft 2. (sometimes 'heeler') the act of contacting the ball on the part of the club nearest the hosel or shaft
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Heel Adjective Synonyms: cad, scoundrel, swine, rogue, scamp, philanderer, worm, knave, blackguard, rotter, bounder, bastard, sod
Heel Noun Synonyms: end, butt or tail or fag (end), stump, remainder, remnant, rind, crust
Entertainment / Literature / Wheel-And-Bob: Another term for Bob-and-Wheel. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Wheel Route: A pass route in which the receiver, often a running back, travels parallel along the line of scrimmage and then takes off up the field. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Wheel Dresser: A tool or device for dressing or truing a grinding wheel. MORE
Life Style / Poetry / Wheel: An alliterative rhyming quatrain with four-stress lines that follows the so-called bob, known together as a bob-and-wheel. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Wheelbase: The horizontal distance between the ground contact points of the front and rear wheels. Wheelbase is a function of motorcycle frame length, steering axis angle, and fork offset. Wheelbase has a major MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Wheelhouse: A hitter's power zone. Usually a pitch waist-high and over the heart of the plate. MORE