
Entertainment / Golf / Hole: 1. 4¼ inch diameter hole in the ground into which the ball is to be played 2. The entire length of the playing area and immediate vicinity from the teeing ground to the putting green (all inclusive) 3. (also 'hole out, make, drain, sink') to play the ball into the hole
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Other Words for Hole

Hole Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern, cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation, dent, impression

Turbulence Hole

Entertainment / Bowling / Turbulence Hole: This extra hole creates air turbulence and causes the pins to fly around and mix better. MORE

Tour Wholesaler

Life Style / Travel / Tour Wholesaler: A company that usually creates and certainly markets inclusive tours and independent tours for sale through travel agents. Often used interchangeably with tour operator, but several distinctions might MORE

Vent Hole

Entertainment / Bowling / Vent Hole: An extra hole drilled to relieve suction in the thumb hole; not a gripping hole. MORE

Vibrio Cholera

Health / Disease / Vibrio Cholera: The bacterial causative agent of cholera in humans. MORE

Weep Holes

Business / Construction / Weep Holes: Small holes in storm window frames that allow moisture to escape. MORE

Third Cholera Pandemic

Health / Disease / Third Cholera Pandemic: (1852-1860) Included outbreaks in London. The Broad Street outbreak investigated by John Snow was particularly deadly. MORE