
Entertainment / Golf / Hood: To lean the clubface forward (toward the target) reducing its loft
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Focusing Hood

Entertainment / Photography / Focusing Hood: Light proof cowl used on tlr and most roll film slr cameras to prevent extraneous light falling on the focusing screen. MORE

Linked Ring Brotherhood

Entertainment / Photography / Linked Ring Brotherhood: Group of pictorialist photographers who broke away from the photographic society of great britain. Existed between 1892-1910. MORE

Neighborhood Information Request

Business / Real Estate / Neighborhood Information Request: A questionnaire used by brokers to obtain information about the neighborhood where a listed property is located. The questionnaire is completed by the homeowner and can provide valuable information th MORE

Lens Hood

Entertainment / Photography / Lens Hood: Opaque tube, either cylindrical, square of funnel shaped, use to shield a lens from stray light outside the field of view. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Ballad: In common parlance, song hits, folk music, and folktales or any song that tells a story are loosely called ballads. In more exact literary terminology, a ballad is a narrative poem consisting of quatr MORE

Pluck Buffet

Entertainment / Literature / Pluck Buffet: Anthropologists suggest that pre-adolescent male children in a variety of cultures share the game of 'pluck buffet.' In this game, one child trades blows on the arm or chest with another to see who is MORE