Entertainment / Golf / Insert: A separate piece of material that is joined with the body of a club's head (usually on/in the club's face) for the purpose of providing more durability, more feel, or some other effect
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Insert Adjective Synonyms: introduce, place or put or stick in, intercalate, interpolate, Interjectionect, interpose
Business / Construction / Basement Window Inserts: The window frame and glass unit that is installed in the window buck. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Trial Inserts: Implant replica to test a receptor site. Modified Intra-Mucosal inserts worn during the healing phase. MORE
Technology / Computers / Zero Insertion Force (ZIF): Sockets that require no physical force to be used in order to insert the chip. Primarily used with modern CPUs. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Intra-Mucosal Inserts (Mucosal Inserts): Alloplastic devices placed into the tissue bearing surface of a removable prosthesis to mechanically maintain the mucostatic seal. Generally made of titanium, surgical stainless steel or aluminum oxid MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Thought Insertion: The delusion that certain of ones thoughts are not ones own, but rather are inserted into ones mind. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Insertion Loss: The loss of voltage (or power), as measured in db, resulting from placing a resistor (or some other power absorbing network or component) between a voltage or power source (amp) and its load impedance MORE