
Entertainment / Golf / Inside: 1. Closer to the hole than 2. Closer to the body than (e.g., inside the target line, inside takeaway)
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Other Words for Inside

Inside Adverb Synonyms: within, inside of
Inside Noun Synonyms: favoured, advantageous, favorable, advantaged, privileged, preferred, preferential, propitious, exclusive, internal, private, secret, confidential, privy, clandestine
Inside Adjective Synonyms: fundamentally, basically, at bottom, by nature
Inside Verb Synonyms: interior, centre, core, middle, heart, contents, lining, backing

Insider Information

Business / Finance / Insider Information: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Best (highest) bid and best (lowest) offer, often used in the O.T.C. Market. See: In-line. MORE


Entertainment / Golf / Inside-Out: A swing path that travels from inside (closer to the body than) the target line to outside (farther away from the body than) the target line MORE

Deep Inside Line

Entertainment / Bowling / Deep Inside Line: A strike line that is popular among the big hook players in which the player stands on a high numbered board and aims for a lower numbered board; for a right handed player, this means that they start MORE

Insider Trading

Business / Finance / Insider Trading: Material information about a company that has not yet been made public. It is illegal for holders of this information to make trades based on it, however received. MORE

Insider Trading Sanctions Act Of 1984

Business / Finance / Insider Trading Sanctions Act Of 1984: Trading by officers, directors, major stockholders, or others who hold private inside information allowing them to benefit from buying or selling stock. MORE

Keep It Inside The Hole

Entertainment / Golf / Keep It Inside The Hole: (also 'don't give the hole away') an instruction to aim the putter and/or stroke the ball inside the edge of the cup MORE