Entertainment / Golf / Inside: 1. Closer to the hole than 2. Closer to the body than (e.g., inside the target line, inside takeaway)
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Inside Adverb Synonyms: within, inside of
Inside Noun Synonyms: favoured, advantageous, favorable, advantaged, privileged, preferred, preferential, propitious, exclusive, internal, private, secret, confidential, privy, clandestine
Inside Adjective Synonyms: fundamentally, basically, at bottom, by nature
Inside Verb Synonyms: interior, centre, core, middle, heart, contents, lining, backing
Business / Finance / Insider Information: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Best (highest) bid and best (lowest) offer, often used in the O.T.C. Market. See: In-line. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Inside-Out: A swing path that travels from inside (closer to the body than) the target line to outside (farther away from the body than) the target line MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Deep Inside Line: A strike line that is popular among the big hook players in which the player stands on a high numbered board and aims for a lower numbered board; for a right handed player, this means that they start MORE
Business / Finance / Insider Trading: Material information about a company that has not yet been made public. It is illegal for holders of this information to make trades based on it, however received. MORE
Business / Finance / Insider Trading Sanctions Act Of 1984: Trading by officers, directors, major stockholders, or others who hold private inside information allowing them to benefit from buying or selling stock. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Keep It Inside The Hole: (also 'don't give the hole away') an instruction to aim the putter and/or stroke the ball inside the edge of the cup MORE