
Entertainment / Golf / Jump: (also 'fly') to fly farther than desired as a result of decreased backspin, usually resulting from long grass (but also could be water) between the ball and clubface at impact
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Other Words for Jump

Jump Noun Synonyms: leap, bound, spring, pounce, hurdle, vault, hop, skip, caper, cavort, gambol
Jump Verb Synonyms: pass, move, leap, skip
Jump Adjective Synonyms: start, jerk, wince, flinch, recoil


Technology / Computers / Jumper: A plastic covered metal clip that sets over two pins on a circuit board. Jumpers connect pins, completing an electric circuit that changes configurations on devices, or can be used to kick start a swi MORE

Jumper Cables

Technology / Motorcycle / Jumper Cables: Jumper Cables are heavy electrical cables with clips on the ends used to connect two batteries together to Jump Start a motorcycle battery. Read the Basic Motorcycle Tip, below, for procedures to use MORE

Jump Start

Technology / Motorcycle / Jump Start: Jump Start is the term used to describe starting a motorcycle that has a dead battery by placing a good battery in parallel with the dead battery. Read the Basic Motorcycle Tip, below for procedures t MORE

Jump Start-College in High School

Life Style / College / Jump Start-College in High School: Jump Start classes are college classes you can take while you're still in high school. Getting a jump start on college means you can lighten your load in college or even graduate early. MORE


Business / Construction / Jumpers: Water pipe installed in a water meter pit (before the water meter is installed), or electric wire that is installed in the electric house panel meter socket before the meter is installed. This is some MORE

Get The Jump

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Get The Jump: To move fast and thereby get a good start on the opponents. MORE