Entertainment / Golf / Lag: (also 'lag putt, approach putt') a putt that is intended to stop close to the hole but not presumed to be holed
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Lag Adjective Synonyms: diminish, decrease, slacken, abate, slow (down or up), flag, wane, ebb, falter, fail, let up, fall (off or away), ease (up), lighten
Lag Noun Synonyms: fall behind, linger, loiter, delay, straggle, trail, hang back, dally, dawdle, inch or poke along
Technology / Motorcycle / Laguna Seca: “Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca” is a 2.238 miles (3.602 kilometers) paved racetrack near Monterey, California, that features auto and motorcycle racing. It has eleven turns, including the famous “C MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Mesopelagic: The 150 -- 2000 m depth zone, seaward of the shelf-slope break MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Mesopelagic Zone: Also called the 'twilight zone' of the ocean, this area from 200m to 1000m in depth, is bordered by the photic zone above and darkness below. It's in this zone where you start to see bioluminescence o MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Pelagic: Refers to the plants and animals that live in the water column or in the open waters of the ocean rather than the ocean floor (see benthic). Life is found throughout the pelagic zone, however is more MORE
Science / Geology / Pelagic Sediment: A ocean sediment that accumulates far enough from land that detrital materials are a minor component. These sediments are largely composed of the tiny shell debris of radiolarians and foraminifera. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Minimum Tillage: The minimum soil manipulation necessary for crop production. Conservation tillage, reduced tillage, and no-till farming are related terms. MORE