Entertainment / Golf / Lateral: (also 'shank') when the ball is contacted by, and ricochets off, the hosel or neck before it hits the clubface causing an errant direction and trajectory (low and to the right for a right-handed player) note: not usually much fun
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Science / Geology / Right-Lateral Fault: A fault with horizontal movement. If you are standing on one side of the fault and look across it, the block on the opposite side of the fault has moved to the right. (Also see Left-Lateral Fault.) MORE
Science / Geology / Left-Lateral Fault: A fault with horizontal movement. If you are standing on one side of the fault and look across it the block on the opposite side of the fault has moved to the left. (Also see Right-Lateral Fault.) MORE
Science / Spiders / Retrolateral: Projecting from, or on, the side facing backwards. MORE
Science / Spiders / Prolateral: Projecting from, or on, the side facing forwards. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Multilateral Agreement: A trade agreement involving three or more countries (as with the World Trade Organization) in contrast to a bilateral agreement (as with the US-Canada Free Trade agreement) involving only two countrie MORE
Business / Real Estate / Lateral Support: The right to have land supported by the adjoining land or soil beneath. MORE