Entertainment / Golf / Lead Tape: Thin adhesive strips (also comes in rolls) of lead used to add weight to a club head
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Lead Adjective Synonyms: conduct, escort,her, guide, show the way, pilot, steer
Lead Verb Synonyms: come or be or go first, excel, surpass, exceed, precede, be ahead (of), outstrip, distance, outrun, outdo
Lead Noun Synonyms: direction, guidance, leadership, precedent, example, model, exemplar, pattern, standard
Tape Noun Synonyms: strip, band, fillet, stripe, strap, belt, ribbon
Tape Verb Synonyms: (tape) recording, reel, spool, cassette, video
Life Style / Painting / Masking Tape: A strip of paper or cloth similar to adhesive tape, which can be easily removed, used to temporarily cover areas that are not to be painted. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Magnetic Tape: A ribbon of plastic with a coating on it that is sensitive to magnetic impulses created by electricity. In analog technology, these magnetic impulses are modulated on the tape in a fashion parallel to MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Metal Tape Eq: An equalization circuit that compensates for the unique frequency response characteristics of metal tape. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Morse Taper: A self-holding standard taper largely used on small cutting tools such as drills, end mills and reamers and, on some machines, spindles in which these tools are used. MORE
Business / Finance / Painting The Tape: Illegal practice by traders who manipulate the market by buying and selling a security to create the illusion of high trading activity and to attract other traders who may push up the price. MORE
Business / Finance / On The Tape: Used in the context of general equities. (1) Trade printed on the ticker tape; (2) news displayed on Reuters or the Dow Jones News Service. MORE