Entertainment / Golf / Lie Angle: The angle between the sole of the club and the shaft from the face view (looking at the face of the club straight on)
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Angle Noun Synonyms: slant, oblique, corner, edge, intersection, bend, cusp, point, apex, projection
Angle Verb Synonyms: fish for, look for, seek, be after, try for, hunt for
Lie Noun Synonyms: rest, repose, can be found, be, be situated
Lie Verb Synonyms: prevaricate, fabricate, misrepresent, invent, commit perjury, perjure or forswear oneself, fib
Entertainment / Bowling / Pin (As It Applies To A Ball): The small circle of a different color found on the surface of the ball. It locates the center of the weight block that identifies the direction it is tilted. MORE
Entertainment / Ballet / Plie: Literally 'bent'. A smooth and continuous bending of the knees. This can be grand-plie, a bend to the deepest position where the heels lift off the floor. For demi-plie the dancer bends knees until ju MORE
Business / Agriculture / Pork Bellies: One of the major cuts of the hog carcass that, when cured, becomes bacon. Futures contracts for pork bellies are traded in the futures market. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Preferred Lies: (also 'improved lies, winter rules, bumping it') a local rule under which a player can improve his lie without penalty MORE
Business / Finance / Perfected First Lien: A first attachment on an asset that is duly recorded with the relevant government body so that the lender will be able to act on it should the borrower default. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT): A program administered by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior to compensate counties for the tax-exempt status of federal lands: the fixed payments per entitlement acre (on MORE