Entertainment / Golf / Lob: (also 'lob shot') a relatively vertical (steep arced) shot, usually played with a lofted wedge, intended to land softly and not roll far
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Lob Adjective Synonyms: toss, throw, bowl, pitch, hit, fly
Lob Noun Synonyms: loft, toss, pitch, shy, heave, fling, chuck, hurl, throw
Technology / Computers / Kilobyte (KB): This is about a thousand bytes of space. In reality, it's two to the 10th power or 1,024 bytes. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Limited Global Quota For Upland Cotton: A provision of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 that authorizes the President to proclaim an import quota whenever the USDA determines that the spot market average price in any one month exceeds 1 MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Lob Wedge: A very lofted wedge, usually 59 or 60 degrees (more sometimes), designed for playing high, soft shots from short distances MORE
Technology / Radar / Lobe: Of the three-dimensional radiation pattern transmitted by a directional antenna, one of the portions within which the field strength or power is everywhere greater than a selected value. The half powe MORE
Science / Genetics / Kilobase (KB): Unit of length for dna fragments equal to 1000 nucleotides. MORE