Entertainment / Golf / Loop: 1. (mainly used by caddies) another term for a round of golf (also might refer to the player a caddie is working for or the job of caddying itself) 2. (also 'reroute') a noticeable difference in the path of the club head between the backswing and downswing
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Loop Verb Synonyms: hoop, noose, ring, circle, bow, eye, eyelet, coil, whorl, bend
Business / Finance / Loophole: A technicality in some legislation or regulation that makes it possible to avoid certain consequences or circumvent a rule without breaking the law, such as in the use of a tax shelter. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Looping The Ball: A slow big hook. Also, the act of bringing your throwing hand behind your back in your armswing as it loops from out to in; generally not desirable. See also armswing, inside out armswing and outside MORE
Technology / Email / Mail Loop: A communication error between two email servers, usually happening when a misconfigured email triggers an automated response from the recipient server. MORE
Science / Biology / Negative Feedback Loop: A biochemical pathway where the products of the reaction inhibit production of the enzyme that controlled their formation. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Ground Loop: The term given to the condition that occurs when a voltage potential exists between two separate ground points. MORE