
Entertainment / Golf / Major: 1. One of four annual tournaments (the masters, u.s. open, british open or pga) 2. Could also refer to a tournament of greater significance than usual due to tradition or the sanctioning body
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Other Words for Major

Major Adjective Synonyms: larger, greater, bigger, main, chief, important

Major Land Resource Area (MLRA)

Business / Agriculture / Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): Major land resource areas are geographically associated land resource units delineated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and characterized by a particular pattern that combines soils, wate MORE

Major Industry

Business / Finance / Major Industry: Each company is classified by its primary business. MORE

Major Overhaul

Technology / Aviation / Major Overhaul: the complete disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, and reassembly of an aircraft, engine, or other component of an aircraft in accordance with the manufacturers specifications, and which will ret MORE

Major Exchange

Business / Finance / Major Exchange: Indicates listing on established national or regional stock exchange. MORE

Major Penalties

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Major Penalties: For the first major penalty in any one game, the offender, except the goalkeeper, will be ordered off the ice for five (5) minutes and during this time no substitute shall be allowed. An automatic fin MORE

Major Depressive Disorder

Science / Psychiatry / Major Depressive Disorder: A severe mental illness characterized by feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness; often accompanied by suicidal thoughts and feeling of an inability to move. MORE