Entertainment / Golf / Marshal: 1. A person designated by a tournament committee to help with crowd control and to keep order 2. A person designated to patrol the course, keeping an eye out for problems in general, but usually present to promote a reasonable pace of play or keep things moving
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Health / Tai Chi / Marshall Hoo: Teacher in California: created National Tai Chi Chuan Association. See page one of this website under Teachers. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Whig: In Questions of English, Marshall notes the term Whig originally was an insulting nickname for Scottish Presbyterian rebels, but after 1680 it became a label for the political faction in England that MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Tory: Tories): As Marshall tells us, the name Tory was originally an insulting nickname given to supporters of James, Duke of York (James II) as heir to the throne in the 1680s. The original idea was that h MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Mystery Play: A religious play performed outdoors in the medieval period that enacts an event from the Bible, such as the story of Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, the crucifixion, and so on. Although the origins are un MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Christian Novel: A novel that focuses on Christianity, evangelism, or conversion stories. Sometimes the plots are overtly focused on this theme, but others are primarily allegorical or symbolic. Traditionally, most li MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Quem Quaeritis: This Latin expression comes from the Vulgate New Testament when the angel addresses the women coming to visit Christ's empty tomb. The angel guarding the sepulchre asks, 'Whom do you seek?' When told MORE