Entertainment / Golf / Middle Iron: (also 'mid iron, mid-iron') generally irons 5 through 7, which are in the middle of the range of irons in terms of length, loft, etc.
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Middle Adjective Synonyms: midriff, waist, mid-section, stomach
Middle Noun Synonyms: central, centre, halfway, mid, midway, mean, medial, mesial
Science / Weather / Middle Clouds: A term used to signify clouds with bases between 6,000 and 18,000 feet. At the higher altitudes, they may also have some ice crystals, but they are composed mainly of water droplets. Altocumulus, alto MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Mashie Iron: Archaic term for a 4 iron MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Long Iron: The longer-shafted, steeper-faced, (and hopefully) longer distance irons, generally numbers 1 through 4 MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Middle Comedy: Greek comedies written in the early 300s BCE, in which the exaggerated costumes and the chorus of the Old Comedy were eliminated. We have no surviving examples of these Middle Comedies, but they are a MORE
Life Style / Coffee / Middle Eastern Coffee: Coffee ground to a powder, sweetened (usually), brought to a boil, and served grounds and all. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Middle Insomnia: Awakening in the middle of the night followed by eventually falling back to sleep, but with difficulty. MORE