Entertainment / Golf / Muni: Short for a municipal or city owned golf course
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Business / Taxes / Municipal Bond (Muni): Municipal bonds are debt securities issued by state or local governments or their agencies to finance general governmental activities or special projects. For example, a state may float a bond to fund MORE
Business / Taxes / Municipal Bond Fund: Municipal bond mutual funds invest in municipal bonds. Earnings from these funds are always free of federal income tax for all shareholders in the fund. In addition, some mutual fund companies offer f MORE
Business / Finance / Municipal Notes: Short-term notes issued by municipalities in anticipation of tax receipts, proceeds from a bond issue, or other revenues. MORE
Business / Finance / Municipal Investment Trust (MIT): A unit investment trust that buys municipal bonds and usually holds them until maturity, passing the bond income on to shareholders, usually tax-free. MORE
Business / Finance / Municipal Improvement Certificate: A certificate used to finance local government projects and services that are financed by a special tax assessment. Its interest is tax-free. MORE
Business / Finance / Municipal Revenue Bond: A bond issued to finance a public project that is funded by receipts from the project's operation. MORE