
Entertainment / Golf / Ob: (also 'o.b., out of bounds, oscar brown') out of bounds, off the golf course premises (usually marked with white stakes or property fences)
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Obligatory Advance

Business / Real Estate / Obligatory Advance: Any advance which, under the terms of the credit line deed of trust or other agreement, the secured party has legally obligated itself to make in the absence of a default, breach, or other such event. MORE


Science / Geology / Obsidian: A glassy igneous rock with a composition similar to granite. The glassy texture is a result of cooling so fast that mineral lattices were not developed. Picture of Obsidian. MORE


Business / Real Estate / Obsolescence: The loss of value due to factors that are outmoded or less useful. Obsolescence may be functional or economic. MORE

Component Objec Module (COM)

Technology / Computers / Component Objec Module (COM): Stands for Component Object Module. This is a Microsoft standard created to allow for the communication of computer components (or objects) on the same computer system. This specification is very usef MORE

Object-Oriented Programming

Technology / Programming / Object-Oriented Programming: Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses by constructing objects (instances of classes) which interact with each other to solve problems. MORE

National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON)

Science / Tides and Currents / National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON): The network of tide and water level stations operated by the National Ocean Service along the marine and Great Lakes coasts and islands of the United States. The NWLON is composed of the primary and s MORE