
Entertainment / Golf / Offset: A clubhead where the leading edge is set back from the shaft
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Other Words for Offset

Offset Adjective Synonyms: compensation, counterbalance, counteraction, check, equalizer, neutralizer
Offset Verb Synonyms: compensate, counterbalance, countervail, counterpoise, counteract, balance (out), equalize, even (out or up), square, cancel (out), neutralize, nullify, make up (for), atone (for), redress, recompense, repay, make amends or restitution, make good

Offset EBL

Technology / Radar / Offset EBL: An electronic bearing line that can be moved to any position on the screen. MORE

Offsetting Compliance

Business / Agriculture / Offsetting Compliance: A requirement that a farmer owning multiple farms who wishes to participate in a crop program must comply with the program’s provisions on all farms under the farmer’s ownership in order to be eli MORE

Progressive Offset

Entertainment / Golf / Progressive Offset: Where a set of clubs has differing amounts of offset (leading edge of face behind forward edge of hosel) throughout, e.g., more offset in the long irons than in the short irons MORE

Mutual Offset

Business / Finance / Mutual Offset: A system, such as the arrangement between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX), that allows trading positions established on one exchange to be o MORE

Off Center PPI

Technology / Radar / Off Center PPI: Offsets the sweep from the center of the screen to a location on the edge of the ppi to permit better viewing of a specific area without changing range selections. Also called sector display or sector MORE

Same-Day Substitution

Business / Finance / Same-Day Substitution: Offsetting changes in a margin account during the day that result in no overall change in the balance of the account. MORE