Past Parallel

Entertainment / Golf / Past Parallel: Beyond the point where the club's shaft is horizontal, or parallel with the ground, at the top of the backswing
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Other Words for Parallel

Parallel Noun Synonyms: analogue, match, homologue, equivalent, complement, counterpart, equal, coequal
Parallel Adjective Synonyms: similar, corresponding, congruent, analogous, analogic(al), correspondent, like, matching, homologous, coordinate, equivalent, coequal, proportional, proportionate, pari passu, mutatis mutandis, in proportion, uniform, contemporary or cotemporary

Other Words for Past

Past Noun Synonyms: late, former, one-time, sometime, previous, prior, erstwhile, quondam, whilom, last, recent
Past Adverb Synonyms: history, background, life, lifetime, existence, career, lifestyle, biography
Past Adjective Synonyms: over, done, finished, (over and) done with, gone (and forgotten), dead (and buried or gone), defunct

Past Crop

Life Style / Coffee / Past Crop: A taste taint that gives coffee beans a slightly less acidy taste. Result of enzyme changes in the coffee beans during the aging process. MORE

Past Parallel

Entertainment / Golf / Past Parallel: Beyond the point where the club's shaft is horizontal, or parallel with the ground, at the top of the backswing MORE


Business / Machine Shop / Parallels: Hardened steel bars accurately ground to size and ordinarily made in pairs in many different sizes to support work in precision setups. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Parallelism: When the writer establishes similar patterns of grammatical structure and length. For instance, 'King Alfred tried to make the law clear, precise, and equitable.' The previous sentence has parallel st MORE

Parallel Wiring

Technology / Home Audio / Parallel Wiring: A circuit in which two or more devices are connected to the same source of voltage, sharing a common positive and negative point, so that each device receives the full applied voltage. MORE


Technology / Motors / Paralleling: When two or more DC motors are required to operate in parallel - that is, to drive a common load while sharing the load equally among all motors - they should have speed-torque characteristics which a MORE