Entertainment / Golf / Path: (also 'swing path') the direction the clubhead is traveling (generally referred to through the impact area and in relation to the target line)
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Path Noun Synonyms: way, course, track, route, road, orbit, trajectory, circuit
Path Adjective Synonyms: footpath, pathway, tow-path, track, trail, walk, walkway, footway
Business / Agriculture / Pathogen; Pathogenic: Pathogens are infectious or toxin forming microorganisms causing disease. A food borne pathogen is a microorganism that causes illness through the ingestion of food. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Path Length: In absorption spectroscopy, the length of a path taken by radiation through a sample. MORE
Business / Finance / Path-Dependent Option: An option whose value depends on the sequence of prices of the underlying asset rather than just the final price of the asset. MORE
Science / Biology / Parasympathetic System: The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that reverses the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Part of the autonomic nervous system that controls heartbeat, respiration and other vital f MORE
Health / Fitness / Parasympathetic Nervous System: Branch of the autonomic nervous system that slows the heart rate. MORE
Health / Massage / Naturopathic Medicine: Naturopathy integrates a wide range of natural therapeutics emphasizing the healing power of nature to treat the causes of disease, rather than suppressing the symptoms. As part of a holistic medical MORE