Entertainment / Golf / Pga: (professional golfers' association) organization to promote and regulate the profession of golf
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Technology / Computers / Pin Grid Array (PGA): A type of chip package in which the connecting pins are located on the bottom in concentric squares. PGA chips are particularly good for chips that have many pins, such as modern microprocessors. Comp MORE
Science / Biology / Phosphoglycerate (PGA): A three-carbon molecule formed when carbon dioxide is added to ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) during the dark reaction of photosynthesis (Calvin, or Calvin-Benson Cycle). PGA is converted to PGAL, using MORE
Science / Biology / Phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL): A substance formed from PGA during the dark reaction of photosynthesis. Some PGAL leaves the cycle and can be converted to glucose, while other PGAL molecules are used to reform ribulose biphosphate MORE