Pitching Wedge

Entertainment / Golf / Pitching Wedge: (also 'wedge, p, pw, w' and more) a lofted short iron (usually next in chronological order after the 9 iron and somewhere between 47° and 52°)
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Other Words for Wedge

Wedge Verb Synonyms: block, chock
Wedge Adjective Synonyms: ram, jam, stuff, cram, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, thrust

Texas Wedge

Entertainment / Golf / Texas Wedge: Using a putter from off the green MORE

Step Wedge

Entertainment / Photography / Step Wedge: Printed series of density increases, in regular steps from transparent to opaque. Its a method of making exposure tests when enlarging. MORE

Third Wedge

Entertainment / Golf / Third Wedge: (sometimes also called a 'utility wedge') manufacturer-dependent and varied, a lofted wedge that differs from a pitching wedge or a sandwedge in loft and/or sole charactersitics MORE

Utility Wedge

Entertainment / Golf / Utility Wedge: (sometimes also called a 'third wedge') manufacturer-dependent and varied, a lofted wedge that differs from a pitching wedge or a sandwedge in loft and/or sole charactersitics MORE

Wedge Spectrogram

Entertainment / Photography / Wedge Spectrogram: Is an indication of the spectral sensitivity of a sensitized material by exposing it to a spectrum of light through a graduated gray wedge. MORE


Business / Finance / Wedge: A pricing theory that the price of a security reflects the past price and trading history of the security. Theory implies that security prices follow a random walk. Related: Semistrong-form efficiency MORE