Entertainment / Golf / Play Through: (also 'go through') passing the group in front of you (for various reasons) while they wait
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Play Adjective Synonyms: amuse oneself, frolic, frisk, cavort, gambol, caper, sport, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself, disport (oneself), carouse
Play Verb Synonyms: engage, contend with, compete with or against, challenge, vie with, pit oneself against, take on, rival
Play Noun Synonyms: amusement, frivolity, entertainment, recreation, fun, pleasure, sport, merrymaking, revelry, tomfoolery, horseplay, skylarking, monkey business, monkey tricks or monkeyshines
Through Noun Synonyms: during, throughout, in the course or middle of
Through Preposition Synonyms: by, past
Through Verb Synonyms: because of, on account of, owing to, as a consequence or result of, by virtue of, via, be means of, by way of, with the aid or help of, under the aegis or auspices of, Sometimes non-standard due to
Entertainment / Literature / Problem Play: There are two common meanings to this term. (1) The most general usage refers to any play in which the main character faces a personal, social, political, environmental, or religious problem common to MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Program Play: A Custom File feature that allows the user to define a sequence of 12 tracks, in a specific order, for customized playback. Up to two banks of 12 track sequences can be recalled, for up to 24 tracks t MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Punch Out Or Through: Down a pin(s) from the middle only (punch No. 6 out of a full set; or punch through No.1 after a Worcester, etc.) MORE
Business / Finance / Private-Label Pass-Throughs: Related: Conventional pass-throughs. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Power Player: A cranker; hard hitting, big hook, faster than average speed player. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Power Play: An attack by a team at full strength against a team playing one man (or two men) shorthanded because of a penalty (or penalties) which resulted in a player on the opposing team receiving penalty-box t MORE