
Entertainment / Golf / Pop: Another term for a handicap stroke
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Other Words for Pop

Pop Verb Synonyms: bulge, protrude, stick out, bug out
Pop Adverb Synonyms: burst, explode, bang, go off

Popping The Ribs

Health / Pilates / Popping The Ribs: Splaying and spreading the ribs. Popping the ribs weakens the torso and can overarch the back, as in military posture. MORE

Logistic Population Growth

Science / Marine Biology / Logistic Population Growth: Population growth that is modulated by the population size relative to carrying capacity. Population growth declines as population approaches carrying capacity, and is negative when population size is MORE


Entertainment / Baseball / Lollipop: A soft pitch or weak throw. MORE


Health / Fitness / Lipoprotein: Fat carrying protein in the blood. MORE

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)

Health / Fitness / Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL): A core of cholesterol surrounded by protein, often referred to as bad cholesterol. MORE

Median Apophysis

Science / Spiders / Median Apophysis: A selerite arising from the middle division of the male palpal organs. MORE