Entertainment / Golf / Press: A wager on top of, or augmenting, an already existing wager, implemented at some point after the original wager has begun and applying to only the remaining holes
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Press Verb Synonyms: squeeze, compress, depress, push
Press Noun Synonyms: subject to or exert pressure or force, force, push, impel, thrust, bear (on), weigh on or upon, jam, cram, crush, pressure or also pressurize
Science / Biology / Osmotic Pressure: Pressure generated by water moving by osmosis into or out of a cell. MORE
Science / Biology / Turgor Pressure: Pressure caused by the cytoplasm pressing against the cell wall. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Cold Pressed: Watercolour paper that is Cold Pressed (CP) or 'Not' Pressed (NP) has mildly rough texture. It takes colour smoothly but the tooth allows for slight irregularities and graining in washes. MORE
Science / Weather / Pressure Characteristic: The pattern of the pressure change during the specified period of time, usually the three hour period preceding an observation. This is recorded in three categories: falling, rising, or steady. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Pressure Gauge: A water level gauge that is operated by the change in pressure at the bottom of a body of water due to the rise and fall of the water level. See gas purged pressure gauge. MORE
Science / Weather / Pressure Change: The net difference between the barometric pressure at the beginning and ending of a specified interval of time, usually the three hour period preceding an observation. MORE