Pull Cart

Entertainment / Golf / Pull Cart: (also 'hand cart') a mechanical device or trolley with wheels and a handle used to carry a player's bag and clubs
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Other Words for Cart

Cart Verb Synonyms: carry, convey, move, lug, drag, tote, transport, bring, haul, schlep
Cart Noun Synonyms: handcart, pushcart, trolley, barrow, wagon or also waggon

Other Words for Pull

Pull Adjective Synonyms: draw, haul, drag, lug, tow, trail
Pull Noun Synonyms: puff, draw, inhalation, drag
Pull Verb Synonyms: draw, tug, yank, jerk


Business / Finance / Pullback: The downward reversal of a prolonged upward price trend. MORE


Entertainment / Football / Pulling: A term used to describe an offensive lineman who, instead of blocking the player in front of him, steps back and moves down the line('pulls') to block another player, usually in a 'trap' or 'sweep.' MORE

Pull-Up Torque

Technology / Motors / Pull-Up Torque: The minimum torque developed by an AC motor during the period of acceleration from zero to the speed at which breakdown occurs. For motors which do not have a definite breakdown torque, the pull-up to MORE

Pull-In Torque

Technology / Motors / Pull-In Torque: The maximum constant torque which a synchronous motor will accelerate into synchronism at rated voltage and frequency. MORE

Pull The Rug

Entertainment / Bowling / Pull The Rug: A hit on which a number of pins wobble for a time before falling down simultaneously, as if a rug had been pulled out from under them. MORE

Pull-Back Dribble

Entertainment / Basketball / Pull-Back Dribble: A dribble used to avoid defensive pressure or traps. MORE