Punch The Greens

Entertainment / Golf / Punch The Greens: Another phrase for aerate
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Other Words for Punch

Punch Verb Synonyms: hit, clip, jab, whack, thwack, knock, smack, box, pummel, strike, cuff, clout, bop, slug, wallop, thump, lambaste, slam, sock, biff, plug, belt, lace (into), paste
Punch Noun Synonyms: effect, impact, effectiveness, force, forcefulness, power, vitality, gusto, vigor, life, vim, zest, ginger, it, oomph, what it takes, zing, zip

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Reading The Defense

Entertainment / Football / Reading The Defense: Recognition by the quarterback of the defensive formation; he may then call an audible to adjust the offense. MORE

Random Walk Theory

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Reading The Lane

Entertainment / Bowling / Reading The Lane: Experimentation, usually during practice, to determine the characteristics of a lane. Some lanes are faster than others, some will allow a bigger hook while others will hold the ball back, etc. MORE

Reading The Lanes

Entertainment / Bowling / Reading The Lanes: The process of discovering how your ball reacts on different portions of the lane surface; hopefully, finding the best area to use to maximize strike potential. MORE

Reading The Tape

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Rag The Puck

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Rag The Puck: To retain control of the puck, without attempting to score, for a considerable period of time, usually through clever stickhandling; a tactic used to kill time while a team is short-handed or when it MORE