Entertainment / Golf / Push Fade: A shot that is both a push and a fade, starting and curving to the right of the intended target line for right-handers
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Fade Noun Synonyms: (grow) dim or pale, grow faint, cloud (over), dull, bleach, whiten, etiolate, wash out, blanch or blench, discolour
Push Verb Synonyms: urge, encourage, press, induce, ask, persuade, get, egg on, press, prod, spur, goad, rouse, prompt, incite, move, motivate, stimulate, influence, impel, make, compel, force, dragoon, coerce, constrain, badger, hound, pester, harass, plague, nag, browbeat
Push Noun Synonyms: thrust, shove, drive, move, set in motion, get moving, propel, press
Health / Massage / Push Therapy: PUSH Therapy was specifically designed to eliminate pain originating from chronic tension. Therapists learn Soft Pressure Stimulation to treat tissue on a layer-by-layer basis. Techniques are administ MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Push SMS: The ability to request services (e.g. ringtones or games) from a wireless handset via sending a preset SMS code to a predetermined number. The service requested is sent back to the handset via SMS. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Push Processing: Increasing the development time of a film to increase its effective speed. See pushing. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Push Pass: Used to pass through or past a defender who is guarding closely. MORE