Entertainment / Golf / Quit: ('quit on the shot') not following-through completely with momentum, decelerating through impact
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Quit Noun Synonyms: leave, depart from, go (away) from, get away from, decamp, exit, desert, flee, forsake, abandon, take off, beat it, skip
Quit Verb Synonyms: resign, give up, relinquish, leave, renounce, retire from, withdraw from
Business / Accounting / Net Assets (Owners Equity): The ownership interest in the assets of an entity: equal total assets minus total liabilities. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Obliquity Factor: A factor in an expression for a constituent tide (or tidal current) involving the angle of the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the plane of the Earth's Equator. MORE
Business / Debt / Negative Equity: A situation where the purchaser of a property has taken out a mortgage and some time after the purchase, the value of the property falls below the mortgage amount. MORE
Business / Taxes / Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS): These long-term options on stocks have expiration dates of up to three years rather than the shorter terms of most stock options, which are never longer than nine months. The benefit of LEAPS, from an MORE
Business / Finance / Long-Term Debt-To-Equity Ratio: A capitalization ratio comparing long-term debt to shareholders' equity. MORE
Science / Astrology / Obliquity Of The Ecliptic: The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator. It now measures about 23°27', and is decreasing at the rate of one minute in 128 years. MORE