Entertainment / Golf / Roll: 1. (also 'vertical roll') the curve of the face of a wood or metal wood (from top to bottom) 2. Descriptive of the quality or appearance of a struck putt
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Roll Verb Synonyms: undulate, billow, rise and fall
Roll Noun Synonyms: pass, go, flow, slip, flit, glide, slide, move (on), expire, elapse, disappear, vanish, evaporate
Roll Adjective Synonyms: rotate, cycle, turn (over (and over)), wheel, trundle, revolve, go (a)round, orbit, tumble, somersault or somerset or summersault or summerset
Business / Finance / Roll, Richard: Author of path-breaking work on asset pricing including the famous Roll critique. Finance professor at UCLA. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Pick And Roll: Pick and Roll is an offensive play in which a player stops to screen (block) a defender for the teammate handling the ball and then slips behind the defender to accept a pass as the handler makes a mo MORE
Business / Construction / Roll, Rolling: To install the floor joists or trusses in their correct place. (To 'roll the floor' means to install the floor joists). MORE
Business / Construction / Roll Roofing: Asphalt roofing products manufactured in roll form. 36-inch wide rolls with and 108 square feet of material. Weights are generally 45 to 90 pounds per roll. MORE