Entertainment / Golf / Sand Iron: (also 'sandwedge, sand wedge') a lofted club with a flange specifically designed for (but not limited to) use in the sand
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Health / Fitness / Pumping Iron: Phrase that has been in use since the 1950's, but recently greatly popularized. Lifting weights. MORE
Technology / Computers / Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE): (pronounced 'pixie') Created by Intel, it is one of their WfM specification components. A PXE-enabled workstation has a jumper that connects its NIC to the LAN which will keep the workstation connecte MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Environmental Policy Act Of 1970: P.L. 91-190 (January 1, 1970) made a declaration of national environmental policy and established a continuing responsibility of the federal government to reach a number of substantive goals that embo MORE
Business / Real Estate / National Environmental Policy Act: The Act requires an environmental impact statement for federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the environment. MORE
Science / Geology / Quartzose Sandstone: (1) A quartz arenite. (2) A clean quartz sandstone, less pure than a quartz arenite, that may contain a moderate amount of other detrital minerals and/or calcite cement. MORE