Entertainment / Golf / Side: ('back side, front side') another term for each 9 holes of an 18 hole course
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Side Verb Synonyms: surface, face, plane, facet
Side Noun Synonyms: affectation, pretension, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence, pretentiousness, airs
Technology / Radar / Sidelobe Control: Sidelobe control comes initially from good antenna design where one requirement is the minimisation of signals entering the receiver through the sidelobes. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Emulsion Side: Side of the film coated with emulsion. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Server Side Include (SSI): Server Side Includes are a way to call portions of a page in from another page. SSI makes it easier to update websites. To use a server side include you have to follow one of the conditions: end file MORE
Technology / Radar / Sidelobe Cancellation (SLC): Sidelobe cancellation determines the direction of the jamming signal and effectively steers a null into that direction to zero out the jamming signal. Planar array antenna systems can perform this ele MORE