Entertainment / Golf / Sleeve: A container (usually a rectangular box) of (usually 3) golf balls
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Business / Machine Shop / Drill Sleeve: An adapter with an internal and external taper which fits tapered shank tools such as drills or reamers to adapt them to a larger size machine spindle. MORE
Business / Construction / Sleeve(S): Pipe installed under the concrete driveway or sidewalk, and that will be used later to run sprinkler pipe or low voltage wire. MORE
Technology / Motors / Sleeve Bearings: A type of bearing with no rolling elements, where the motor shaft rides on a film of oil. MORE
Business / Construction / Roof Jack: Sleeves that fit around the black plumbing waste vent pipes at, and are nailed to, the roof sheeting. MORE
Business / Construction / Plumbing Jacks: Sleeves that fit around drain and waste vent pipes at, and are nailed to, the roof sheeting. MORE