Entertainment / Golf / Slot: (also 'the slot') a position (hopefully) reached in the downswing in which the pelvic girdle has shifted onto the forward foot, the arms and hands have come down in close to the body and the club head is still substantially behind the hands and on the correct plane
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Slot Adjective Synonyms: opening, position, vacancy, job, place, assignment, niche, space, spot, pigeon-hole
Slot Noun Synonyms: groove, fissure, notch, slit, opening, hollow, depression, channel, sulcus
Business / Machine Shop / Slotter: An attachment which operates with a reciprocating motion. Used for machining internal slots and surfaces. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Slotting Fees: Paid by manufacturers to purchase shelf space in retail stores: such fees are a controversial issue in the food sector. Critics regard slotting fees as unearned store discounts (or even 'kickbacks' to MORE
Business / Machine Shop / T-Slot: The slots made in the tables of machine tools for the square-head bolts used to clamp the workpiece, attachments, or work-holding fixtures in position for performing the machining operations. MORE
Science / Weather / Dry Slot: An area of dry, and usually cloud-free, air that wraps into the southern and eastern sections of a synoptic scale or mesoscale low pressure system. Best seen on a satellite picture, such as a water va MORE
Technology / Aviation / Slotted Flap: A flap that, when depressed, exposes a SLOT and increases airflow between itself and the rear edge of the wing. MORE
Technology / Computers / Expansion Slot: The slot on the motherboard designed to be filled by expansion cards. See above. MORE