Entertainment / Golf / Starting Time: (also 'tee time, time') a reservation or appointment to play at a specific time
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Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Technology / Motors / Starting Current: Amount of current drawn at the instant a motor is energized - in most cases much higher than that required for running. Same as locked rotor current. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Starting Line-Up: The five players who begin a game for one team. MORE
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Starting Lineup: Most basic leagues will start one quarterback, two running backs, two or three receivers and/or one tight end, one kicker and one defense. Leagues can determine the number of starters and include a 'f MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Standby Time: The amount of time you can leave your fully charged cellular portable or transportable phone turned on before the phone will completely discharge the batteries. See Talk Time. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Standard Time: A kind of time based upon the transit of the Sun over a certain specified meridian, called the time meridian, and adopted for use over a considerable area. With a few exceptions, standard time is base MORE
Science / Astrology / Sidereal Time: Time measured in relation to fixed stars, as distinguished from clock time, based upon the Sun's position relative to Earth. Astrological time data is listed in sidereal time units. MORE