
Entertainment / Golf / Step: Ridges or creases commonly seen around the circumference of steel shafts, creating a terraced taper in the shaft rather than the smooth continuous taper seen in most graphite shafts
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Other Words for Step

Step Verb Synonyms: movement, move
Step Noun Synonyms: footfall, footstep, tread

Step 2 Payments

Business / Agriculture / Step 2 Payments: One of the three cotton competitiveness provisions intended to keep U.S. cotton competitive in domestic and export markets. Under the Step 2 provision, USDA is required to issue marketing certificates MORE

Step-Down Note

Business / Finance / Step-Down Note: To increase, as in step up the tax basis of an asset. MORE

Step-On Guide

Life Style / Travel / Step-On Guide: A freelance guide who comes aboard a coach to give an informed overview of the city or attraction to be toured. MORE

Step Wedge

Entertainment / Photography / Step Wedge: Printed series of density increases, in regular steps from transparent to opaque. Its a method of making exposure tests when enlarging. MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Step-Thru: Motorbike frame layout with a low structure between the seat and the steering head often associated with scooters. On early machines it was commonly called an open frame. MORE

Step Up

Business / Finance / Step Up: Allow a block to trade at a price at which you do not care to participate in the trade. MORE