Entertainment / Golf / Stimp Meter: A small, short ramp down which a golf ball rolls to give it a constant initial velocity so that the speed of greens can be measured uniformly
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Business / Machine Shop / Pitch Diameter: The diameter of a thread at an imaginary point where the width of the groove and the with of the thread are equal. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Port Diameter: The measurement across the port opening. Measured as internal diameter (not outer diameter . MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Photometer: Instrument for measuring light being reflected from a surface. It works by comparing the reflected light with a standard source produced within the photometer. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Personal People Meter (PPM): Hardware currently being tested by Arbitron. The PPM is a pager-sized device that is worn by consumers throughout the day to automatically detect inaudible codes that radio and television broadcasters MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Potentiometer: A three-terminal variable resistor. Two terminals connect to the ends of a flat resistor, while the third terminal is attached to a moveable contact that interfaces with the resistive element. The mov MORE