Stroke Hole

Entertainment / Golf / Stroke Hole: A hole on which a player's handicap strokes fall in net scoring match play situations (e.g., a 1 handicapper only gets a stroke on the number 1 handicap hole, whereas an 18 handicapper gets a stroke on every hole)
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Other Words for Hole

Hole Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, excavation, burrow, crater, cavern, cave, recess, niche, nook, pocket, depression, indentation, dent, impression

Other Words for Stroke

Stroke Verb Synonyms: flourish, movement, gesture, mark, dash, splash
Stroke Noun Synonyms: action, motion, go, move, movement, feat, achievement
Stroke Adjective Synonyms: blow, rap, tap, thump, knock, smack, whack, swipe, slam, strike, wallop

Stroke Play

Entertainment / Golf / Stroke Play: (also 'medal play') scoring by the total number of strokes MORE

Stroke Letter

Entertainment / Literature / Stroke Letter: In paleography, a stroke letter was one made mostly from minims (i.e., straight vertical lines). These included the letters i, m, n, u, and v. Such stroke letters in medieval handwriting are often har MORE

Stroke Hole

Entertainment / Golf / Stroke Hole: A hole on which a player's handicap strokes fall in net scoring match play situations (e.g., a 1 handicapper only gets a stroke on the number 1 handicap hole, whereas an 18 handicapper gets a stroke o MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Stroker: Stroker has at least two definitions. First, it is another word for a 2-stroke engine. Second, it refers to increasing the stroke in a Harley-Davidson engine (or any other make) to give it more horsep MORE

Stroker or Tweener

Entertainment / Bowling / Stroker or Tweener: A player that has more accuracy and less power than a cranker, with more power than a straight player; also tweener. MORE

Tour Wholesaler

Life Style / Travel / Tour Wholesaler: A company that usually creates and certainly markets inclusive tours and independent tours for sale through travel agents. Often used interchangeably with tour operator, but several distinctions might MORE