Sunday Bag

Entertainment / Golf / Sunday Bag: An extremely lightweight golf bag, usually very small in diameter and easy to carry
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Other Words for Bag

Bag Verb Synonyms: catch, trap, ensnare, snare, entrap, capture, land, kill, shoot
Bag Noun Synonyms: sack, shopping bag, reticule, string bag, carrier bag, poke, pocket

Mucous-Bag Suspension Feeder

Science / Marine Biology / Mucous-Bag Suspension Feeder: Suspension feeder employing a sheet or bag of mucus to trap particles nonselectively MORE

On Any Sunday

Technology / Motorcycle / On Any Sunday: Famous motorcycle movie featuring Malcolm Smith that popularized motorcycling. MORE

Palm Sunday

Life Style / Holiday / Palm Sunday: 'The sixth Sunday of Lent, one week before Easter Sunday. The Last Sunday of Lent, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, surrounded by cheering crowds. Celebrated in different ways around the w MORE

Mixed Bag

Business / Finance / Mixed Bag: Used in the context of general equities. Group of stocks including some that are up, some down, and some neutral. MORE

Low Sunday

Life Style / Holiday / Low Sunday: One week after Easter. The following Sunday after Easter, in Britain is called Low Sunday. Ukrainians call it Sunday of the Dead, in memory of all the people who have died the past year. Also called T MORE


Entertainment / Bowling / Four-Bagger: Four consecutive strikes. MORE