Entertainment / Golf / Sweet Spot: (also 'sweetspot, screws, nut') the center of mass of the club (the solid spot on the clubface)
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Spot Noun Synonyms: morsel, bit, bite, smidgen or smidgin
Spot Verb Synonyms: mark, patch, speck, blot, blotch, blemish, speckle, fleck, particle, mote, macula, smudge, stain, stigma, discoloration, splodge or also splotch
Spot Adjective Synonyms: site, place, locale, location, locality, scene, setting, section, area, neighborhood, quarter
Sweet Adjective Synonyms: harmonious, melodious, sweet-sounding, euphonious, dulcet, musical, tuneful, euphonic, mellifluous, mellow, lyric, silvery, bell-like, golden
Sweet Noun Synonyms: sugary, honey-like, honeyed, sweetened
Business / Finance / Spot Secondary: The graphical depiction of the relationship between the spot rates and maturity. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Spot Rewards: Cash and noncash awards given to employees for ideas submitted or accomplishments benefiting the organization. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Spot Serving: Serving with precision resulting in the ball either landing on or near the intersection of the center service line and service line or singles tramline and service line. MORE
Business / Finance / Spot Trade: Secondary distribution that may not require an SEC registration statement and may be attempted without delay. An underwriting discount is normally included in these offerings. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Spot Zoning: Zoning of parcels not in conformance with the general zoning of an area. MORE