Swing Plane

Entertainment / Golf / Swing Plane: (also 'plane') most easily visualized as the plane that the shaft of the club or the clubhead's arc describes during the swing
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Other Words for Plane

Plane Noun Synonyms: flat, even, level, smooth, plain, regular, unbroken, uninterrupted, uniform, horizontal
Plane Verb Synonyms: flat or level (surface)

Other Words for Swing

Swing Verb Synonyms: hang, dangle, be hanged, be suspended
Swing Adverb Synonyms: sway, move or go to and fro or back and forth or backwards and forwards, come and go, wave, fluctuate, flap, oscillate, vibrate, librate, waver, wobble, waggle, zigzag, wigwag, flourish
Swing Noun Synonyms: swinging, sway, swaying, toing and froing, coming and going, waving, fluctuation, fluctuating, flapping, flap, oscillation, oscillating, vibration, vibrating, libration, waver, wavering, wobble, wobbling, waggle, waggling, zigzag, zigzagging, wigwag, wigw

Ruling Planet

Science / Astrology / Ruling Planet: The ruling planet of the horoscope is that planet said to 'rule' the Ascending sign. Likewise, planets are said to rule the various houses in the chart based on the sign on the cusp of the respect hou MORE

Rising Planet

Science / Astrology / Rising Planet: Any planet that is near the Ascendant in the natal horoscope. Rising planets will have a significant influence on the personality. MORE


Technology / Aviation / Sailplane: An unpowered, soaring aircraft capable of maintaining level flight for long periods of time after release from tow and of gaining altitude using wind currents, as opposed to a GLIDER. MORE


Technology / Aviation / Seaplane: A water-based aircraft with a boat-hull fuselage, often amphibious.The term is also used generically to define a similar Flying Boat and a pontoon FLOATPLANE. MORE

Superior Planets

Science / Astrology / Superior Planets: Planets whose orbits are larger than Earth's. The term is sometimes restricted to the three outermost planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. MORE

Security Market Plane

Business / Finance / Security Market Plane: A plane that shows the relationship between expected return and the beta coefficient of more than one factor. MORE