Entertainment / Golf / Tee Markers: (also 'markers, tee blocks, blocks') two objects that indicate the foreward boundary of the teeing area
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Technology / Motorcycle / Privateers: Motorcycle racers who do not have the backing of a manufacturer. MORE
Business / Finance / Put Guarantee Letter: A bank's letter certifying that the person writing a put option has sufficient funds in an account to cover the exercise price if required. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Primary Teeth: The first set of teeth that humans get, lasting until the permanent teeth come in. Also referred to as deciduous teeth or baby teeth. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Pressed Steel: Sheet steel made into curved sections by press forming. It is often used in the construction of motorcycle frames. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Pharmacy And Therapeutics Committee: Committee charged with developing a formulary, reviewing changes to that formulary, and reviewing abnormal prescription utilization patterns by providers. MORE
Business / Finance / Pit Committee: A committee of the exchange that determines the daily settlement price of futures contracts. MORE