Tend The Flag

Entertainment / Golf / Tend The Flag: (also 'attend' the flag, flagstick or pin) holding and then removing the flagstick after a player has made a stroke
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Other Words for Flag

Flag Noun Synonyms: mark, tag, label, tab, identify, tick (off), check (off)
Flag Verb Synonyms: droop, sag, dangle, hang down, swag, festoon
Flag Adjective Synonyms: banner, ensign, standard, pennant, banneret, pennon, streamer, bunting, jack, gonfalon, vexillum

Other Words for Tend

Tend Noun Synonyms: be inclined or disposed, be liable or apt or likely, incline, lean, have or show or exhibit or demonstrate a tendency, favor, verge, gravitate, be biased, be prone

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Reading The Lane

Entertainment / Bowling / Reading The Lane: Experimentation, usually during practice, to determine the characteristics of a lane. Some lanes are faster than others, some will allow a bigger hook while others will hold the ball back, etc. MORE

Reading The Defense

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Reading The Lanes

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Reading The Tape

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Red Flag

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Random Walk Theory

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