Entertainment / Golf / Tight: 1. A very narrow hole or course 2. A compact and efficient swing 3. Hole location that is very close to the edge of the green 4. A ball resting on the ground or in grass with very little air underneath it, making clean and solid contact difficult
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Tight Noun Synonyms: secure, firm, fast, fixed, secured, close-fitting, snug, sealed, hermetically sealed, leak-proof, hermetic, impervious, impenetrable, impermeable, airtight, watertight, waterproof,
Tight Adjective Synonyms: stingy, niggardly, mean, penurious, miserly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, tight-fisted, close-fisted, mingy
Entertainment / Football / Tight End (TE): A player position on offense, often known as Y receiver, lines up on the line of scrimmage, next to the offensive tackle. Tight ends are used as blockers during running plays, and either run a route o MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Light-Tight: Term denoting a material or piece of equipment that is impervious to light. MORE
Business / Finance / Sit Tight: A condition included in some corporate bond indentures that requires the issuer to retire a specified portion of debt each year. Any principal due at maturity is called the balloon maturity. MORE
Science / Biology / Tight Junctions: Junctions between the plasma membranes of adjacent cells in animals that form a barrier, preventing materials from passing between the cells. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Tight Lanes: Lanes that do not hook much; oily, stiff, heavily conditioned, icy. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / High And Tight: Referring to a pitch that's up in the strike zone and inside on a hitter. Also known as ‘up and in.’ MORE