
Entertainment / Golf / Torque: The tendency of a club's shaft to twist or rotate around its long axis -- also the amount of that rotation measured in degrees (very generally, stronger and/or more highly skilled players with faster swings are better suited to lower torque, and vice versa)
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Braking Torque

Technology / Motors / Braking Torque: The torque required to bring a motor down to a standstill. The term is also used to describe the torque developed by a motor during dynamic braking conditions. MORE

Pull-Up Torque

Technology / Motors / Pull-Up Torque: The minimum torque developed by an AC motor during the period of acceleration from zero to the speed at which breakdown occurs. For motors which do not have a definite breakdown torque, the pull-up to MORE

Starting Torque

Technology / Motors / Starting Torque: The torque or twisting force delivered by a motor at the instant it is energized. Starting torque is often higher than rated running or full load torque. MORE

Variable Torque

Technology / Motors / Variable Torque: A multi-speed motor used on loads whose torque requirements vary with speed as in some centrifugal pumps and blowers. The HP varies as the square of the speed. MORE

Locked Rotor Torque

Technology / Motors / Locked Rotor Torque: The minimum torque that a motor will develop at rest for all angular positions of the rotor (with rated voltage applied at rated frequency). MORE

Pull-In Torque

Technology / Motors / Pull-In Torque: The maximum constant torque which a synchronous motor will accelerate into synchronism at rated voltage and frequency. MORE