Tournament Format

Entertainment / Golf / Tournament Format: The style, or rules and procedures, under which a competition is conducted (e.g., medal play, match play, scramble, four-ball, and many more -- see tournament formats for help with tournament format details)
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Other Words for Format

Format Noun Synonyms: appearance, look(s), aspect, layout, plan, design, style, form, dimension(s), shape, size

Other Words for Tournament

Tournament Noun Synonyms: tourney, competition, contest, match, meeting, event, meet

Non-Identifying Information

Life Style / Adoption / Non-Identifying Information: The medical and social history along with other information exchanged between birth parents and adoptive parents without using names, addresses or other identifying information of both parties. MORE

Neighborhood Information Request

Business / Real Estate / Neighborhood Information Request: A questionnaire used by brokers to obtain information about the neighborhood where a listed property is located. The questionnaire is completed by the homeowner and can provide valuable information th MORE

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

Technology / Cell Phones / National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): The federal government's executive branch advisory committee for telecommunications. MORE

Nonpublic Information

Business / Finance / Nonpublic Information: Information about a company that is not known by the general public, which will have a definite impact on the stock price when released. See: Insider trading. MORE

O*Net (Occupational Information Network)

Business / Human Resources (HR) / O*Net (Occupational Information Network): Administered and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration, the Occupational Information Network--O*NE--is a database that replaced the Dictionary of Occupatio MORE

Personal Information Destination (PID)

Business / Internet Marketing / Personal Information Destination (PID): There are millions of pages of information on the web, but if you are looking for a specific item, there is only one page -- or very few -- that contains exactly the information you need. That's your MORE