Entertainment / Golf / Undue Delay: (also 'slow play') not keeping up with the pace of play as determined by the committee
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Delay Noun Synonyms: lull, interlude, hiatus, interruption, gap, interval, lacuna, stop, stoppage, wait, waiting, hold-up, suspension
Delay Adjective Synonyms: postpone, put off or aside, defer, temporize, suspend, shelve, hold off or up (on), put on hold, hold in abeyance, put or keep in a holding pattern, pigeon-hole, put on ice, put in or into the deep-freeze, put on the back burner
Delay Verb Synonyms: hold up or back, detain, impede, hinder, retard, keep, bog down, set back, slow (up or down), stop, arrest, halt, check, obstruct
Technology / Home Audio / Non-Delay Play: A disc changer feature with significantly reduced silence between the time one disc is finished, and the next disc is loaded and cued. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Delayed Whistle: When an official raises his arm but does not blow his whistle, waiting to see the outcome of a play before calling a penalty; this is done so as not to penalize the non-offending team by stopping its MORE
Business / Finance / Delayed Settlement-Delivery: Postponement of the start of trading in a stock until correction of a gross imbalance in buy and sell orders. Such an imbalance is likely to follow on the heels of a significant event such as a takeov MORE
Business / Agriculture / Delayed Pricing: A type of deferred pricing that provides for transfer of title before the price is determined and final settlement made. Contracts including this feature are sometimes called 'price-later' contracts. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Phase Delay: A phase-shifted sine wave appears displaced in time from the input waveform. This displacement is called phase delay. MORE