Entertainment / Golf / Up: 1. To (as far as) the hole 2. Ahead of (specified in number of holes or strokes depending on the type of competition)
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Entertainment / Literature / Duple Meter: Poetry consisting of two syllables to a metrical foot, and one foot to each line. It is a rare form. One example noted in J. A. Cuddon's Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms comes from Herrick's 'Upon MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Easter Uprising: On Easter Monday in 1916, about 1,200 Irish revolutionaries armed with only rifles engaged in an aborted rebellion against English domination of their country. They attempted to capture the fourteen m MORE
Business / Loan / Up Front Costs: These are costs or fees which are charged to the borrower at or before closing of the mortgage loan, such as loan application fees, appraisal fees, points, broker fees, credit report fees, real estate MORE
Health / Yoga / Spread Leg Forward Fold (Upavista Konasana): A seated pose. Sitting, spread the legs as wide as possible. Lower your upper body down until it touches the floor between legs. Arms should be kept straight, close to your ears. MORE
Business / Finance / Split-Coupon Bond: (1) Purchases or sales shared with others. (2) Division of the outstanding shares of a corporation into a large number of shares. Ordinarily, splits must be proposed by directors and approved by share MORE
Business / Agriculture / Special Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women Infants And Children (WIC): WIC provides federal grant funds to state health agencies and recognized Indian tribal organizations to operate programs for low-income pregnant and postpartum mothers, infants, and children (under ag MORE