Entertainment / Golf / Up And Down: Holed in two shots from off the green (most commonly thought of as a chip, pitch or sand shot followed by one putt, as in 'up' onto the green and 'down' into the hole)
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Technology / Home Audio / Random Play: Also known as shuffle play. In CD players and changers, this function randomizes the order of selections during playback. Some CD players offer a 'Random Play with Delete' feature that prevents a piec MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Random Spatial Distribution: Situation in which individuals are randomly distributed in a space; probability of an individual's being located at any given point is the same irrespective of location in the space MORE
Science / Chemistry / Random Error: Random errors are errors that affect the precision of a set of measurements. Random error scatters measurements above and below the mean, with small random errors being more likely than large ones. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Random Code Encryption: In auto security systems, these terms describe anti-code grabbing technology, a feature which prevents malicious persons who use a special receiver to intercept remote control codes, from using it to MORE
Technology / Computers / Random Access Memory (RAM): All memory accessible at any instant by a processor. Called random because of the random placement of information within the memory bank. Operates at very high speeds on a high speed bus, to the CPU. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Random Testing: Drug and alcohol tests administered by an employer that selects employees to be tested on a random basis. MORE