Entertainment / Golf / Vertical Roll: 1. (also simply 'roll') the curve of the face of a wood or metal wood (from top to bottom)
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Roll Adjective Synonyms: rotate, cycle, turn (over (and over)), wheel, trundle, revolve, go (a)round, orbit, tumble, somersault or somerset or summersault or summerset
Roll Verb Synonyms: undulate, billow, rise and fall
Roll Noun Synonyms: pass, go, flow, slip, flit, glide, slide, move (on), expire, elapse, disappear, vanish, evaporate
Entertainment / Bowling / Semi-Roller: The most popular shot today; it describes a ball that tracks outside of the thumb and finger holes. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Side-scroller: A game where the action is typically rendered using two-dimensional graphics in a scene that 'scrolls' by from left to right. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Scroller: Also called a scrolling game. The onscreen display acts like a window onto a digital world, scrolling either sideways or vertically to reveal the world sequentially during play. One of the first examp MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Screen and Roll: When an offensive player screens for the ball handler and then rolls toward the basket. MORE
Business / Taxes / Rollover IRA: A rollover IRA is an individual retirement annuity you create with tax-deferred assets you move from an employer sponsored retirement plan to a self-directed investment account. If you arrange for a d MORE
Business / Real Estate / Rollover Loan: A loan that includes a call date earlier than its normal amortization period, also called a renegotiable rate loan or a bullet loan. MORE